Outplacement services
The decision to conduct layoffs is difficult and delicate. The event can severely damage the trust and become detrimental to an employer's brand. In fact, over 69% of organizations believe maintaining their brand reputation is the biggest advantage of offering outplacement services (source: Society of Human Resource Management).
We focus on organizations that lay off 500 people or less. Our competitors don't care about small and mid-sized businesses; that's why they're charging $7,500 per person per month - but not us. You'll get an affordable price to help your impacted employees and your business.
to inquire abour outplacement services
of organizations offered outplacement services to safeguard against potential lawsuits
of HR professionals say offering outplacement services improves relations with remaining employees
of organizations believe maintaining their brand is the biggest advantage to offering outplacement services
Source: RiseSmart
Hear what our participants have to say
Our services get results
Career coaching and advising
Get one-on-one support from career development professionals to navigate the job search.
Career assessments
We offer free career assessments like skills, interests, values, and strengths tests to give job seekers clarity.
Job search trainings
Impacted employees will need to know the latest and greatest in the job search, so we offer interactive workshops to guide them.
per person, per week
per person, per week
85% off
compared to
per person, for 28 days
The Career Pathway and Career Navigator programs requires
an 8-week minimum purchase and a minimum of 10 participants.
*Resume reviews are limited to one per person
**One-on-one career coaching and advising services are limited to one session per week per person